Excavation Staff (site leaders and directors) -
For detailed profile information, click on each staff member's name or photo.

(more profiles coming soon)

Tammi J. Schneider

Co-Director of Excavation

As Co-Director of Excavation, responsibilities include the overseeing of all excavation activities, data acquisition methods and data analysis processes, decisions pertaining to excavation direction, among many other tasks.

Gunnar Lehmann

Co-Director of Excavation

"My responsibilies are pretty much the same as Tammi's, working however from the Israeli end of the rope. I am the Israeli partner of the project, bringing in our students, organizing the excavations and conducting the research after the completion of the dig."

Samuel D. Craig, III

Database Specialist, Information Systems Technical Consultant

Responsible for the design, developement, implementation and maintenance of the excavation database as applied to the "Technology Field" and also provides support for Far'ah's local area network (LAN) and Geographic Information System (GIS) analytical processes.

William Krieger

Field Director

"My Responisbilities include overseeing the excavation of Farah South's "Technology Field." I also fill in as dig chauffeur, shade doctor, splinter extractor, chef, snake charmer, tanning expert, tour guide, bartender, and philosopher."

Kimberly A. Maeyama

Assistant Field Director, Information Systems (IS) Project Director

Responsibilities include supporting general excavation activities within Far'ah's "Technology Field", along with managing the development, implementation and maintenance of Far'ah's IS Project, which involves the application of various Information Technology (IT) disciplines (e.g. database, digital imagery, local area network (LAN), Geographic Information System (GIS) and Web design).

Edward F. Maher, a.k.a THOR


"As the on-site zooarchaeologist I will be responsible for identifying and processing all of the faunal remains. I also hope to entertain through my arsenal of accents and sound effects." Editor's Note: "Entertain? Nay, dare I say, AMAZE??!!" -k.m.

Martha K. Risser

Assistant Field Director, Pottery Specialist

As Assistant Field Director, responsibilities will include supporting the acting Field Director in all aspects involving excavation data documentation, field plan generation, special object conservation and cataloging, among others. In conjunction with the Assistant Field Director duties, she will also be responsible for the reading and analysis of pottery, particularly samples relating to "later" periods.


Daniel Warner

Assistant Field Director

As Assistant Field Director, responsibilities include supporting the acting Field Director in all aspects involving excavation data documentation, field plan generation, special object conservation and cataloging, among others.

Nadja Boeck

Website Coordinator

My task as a website coordinator is to update the homepage
so that everybody can find the newest information about the
Tell and planned excavations.

Nadja's Photo  


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